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  About help index
    :-  Avatar
    :-  Batch files
         Stand Alone
    :-  Bimodem
    :-  Browse the Nodelist
    :-  Caller thrown off, after posting a msg
    :-  Caller thrown off, after returning from a door.
    :-  Creating a Private Node
    :-  DesqView
    :-  Doors don't work properly, when Avatar enabled?
    :-  DOOR.SYS,  what is it?
    :-  Full screen message editors
    :-  GLOBALRA.MNU makes my Type 40 screens scroll
    :-  Hot-Keys are slow
    :-  I cannot get messages addressed to me as 'SysOp'
    :-  Mailers
    :-  Menus display an arrow at the bottom?
    :-  Modems
    :-  Netmail credits are ignored, when replying from Echomail
    :-  Nothing seems to work!
    :-  Novell Operating System
    :-  Protocols
    :-  Questionaire,  Newuser
    :-  RA drops to DOS after each call
    :-  RamDisks (Virtual Disks)
    :-  Registration
    :-  Running single line doors Multi-node
    :-  Shell to DOS (Remote)
    :-  Shell to mailer
    :-  Type 40 Menus (General problems)
    :-  Where to get help

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson